
Environment & Pollution Control
» Waste Management (4) » Turnkey Project (1)
» Screw Feeder (1) » Road Sweeping Machines (6)
» ESP (3) » Equipments (3)
» Energy Efficiency (3) » Emission Monitoring Instruments (1)
» DCS/ Bag Filters (14) » Water Treatment (27)

Avenir Projects Private Limited

Address:G-38 Ist Floor, Main Outer Ring Road,
Dilshad Colony, Delhi - 110095, India


Phone No:+91 11 22355629/65837097

Fax No:+91 11 22357078

Conatct: Mr. Rahul Bharti

Deals in:Air Handling,Air Pollution Control & Refrigeration Systems.

B. S. Mechanical Works

Address:G.T. Road, Harbanshpura, between Sirhind - Mandi Gobindgarh Highway Distt. Fatehgarh Saheb- Punjab, India

Email id:Mail@Bsmechanicalworks.Com/

Phone No:+91 1763-227526, 229958

Fax No:+91 1853 274175/011 25873688

Mobile No:+91-98155-98983, 98728-98983

Conatct:Mr. Jasvir Singh/Mr. Gurmeet Singh

Deals in:Slag Crushing Plant, Suppliers & Exporters of:Fully Automatic: Slag Crusher Plants, Furnances & heat treatment plants,Pollution control systems, EOT crains & rolling mill machinery, Heavy lifting magnets & all types of industrial & special purpose machines, tools & metal scrap Pnumatic dust conveying system

Bcg Energy Chem Pvt Ltd

Address:BCG Energy Chem Pvt Ltd (Thermax Channel Associates) 8, Fern Place, Ground Floor, Near Dena Bank, Kolkata - 700 019

Email id:Bcgenergy@Gmail.Com,Pledge2@Rediffmail.Com

Phone No:+91 33 - 24419992, 24604498

Mobile No: +91 98300 86288

Conatct:Debapriya BiswasDirector (Pledge)

Deals in:Manufacturer of Boiler, Water treatment Plants, Sewage Treatment Plants, Effluent Treatment Plants, Chemicals, Air Pollution Control Device, Softner, DM Plant, RO Plant, Bag Filter, Mechanical Dust Collector, Scrubber, ESP, Resin/RO Membrane, Hot Water Generator, Thermic Fluid Heater

Envirotech Instruments Pvt. Ltd

Address:A- 271, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase – I
New Delhi â€“ 110  020 , India

Email /

Phone No:011-26813887 / 26814139

Fax No:011-26811833

Mobile No:+919810038803

Conatct: Mr. Chetan Garg (Manager Sales)

Deals in:(India's largest manufacturer of Ambient Air / Emission Monitoring Instruments & NABL Calibration Laboratory)

Eximious Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

Address:2, Sharda Bhavan, Near S. E. S., Panchpakhadi, Thane 400 602, Maharashtra, India.


Phone No:+ 91 – 22- 2533 30 70 / 2536 67 74

Fax No:+ 91 – 22-2533 31 98

Mobile No:+91- 94761 67246

Conatct:Mr. Goutam Dey- Regional Manager

Deals in:Non- Toxic Gaskets; Non- toxic floor cleaning, Water Treatment etc.

Indian Toxic Treatment

Address:11/A, Jodu Colony Behala; Kolkata- 700 034 West Bengal India


Phone No:+91-33- 2445 5766 / 2397 5980

Fax No:+91-33- 2399 7446

Conatct:Mr. Probir Sen

Deals in:Turnkey Project for Steel plant pollution control system

Karnavati Enterprise

Address:31; Rajnath Bunglow Nigam Society Road, Ghodasar, Ahmedabad- 380 050 India


Phone No:+91--79-25898706

Mobile No:+91- 94290 24743/ +91- 99257 90531

Conatct:Mr. Jignesh Khatri

Deals in:Materials handling & Processing equipments & System, Air Pollution Control Equipments & System etc.

Masturlal Fabrichem Pvt. Ltd

Address:9,"SHREYAS" Building, 180, Madam Cama Road Noriman Point, Mumbai- 400 020 Maharastra India


Phone No:+91-265- 2333 298/+91-265- 2331 442

Fax No:+91-22- 2287 3412

Mobile No:+91-93248 69040

Conatct:Mr. Dipen Kumar Parmar- Sr. Mktg. Executive

Deals in:DCS, Bag Filters and their Spare parts

Permionics Membranes Pvt. Ltd

Address:3/29, 4/19, B.I.D.C., Gorwa Estate, Vadodara - 390 016. Gujarat, India


Phone No:+91-265 2280003, 2283171, 2281563

Fax No:+91-265 - 2281512

Mobile No:+91-98790 14841/+91-92283 62620

Conatct:Mr. Hiren Ruparelia - Business Development Executive

Deals in:Reverse-Osmosis, Ultra-Filtration, Nano-Filtration Membranes and Technology for the application of Water Treatment, Effluent Recycling, Sewage Recycling and Special Process Applications.

RIECO Industries Limited

Address:1162/2, Behind Observatory,
Pune. India


Phone No:+91-20-25535384

Fax No:+91-20-2533229

Mobile No:+91-9422317713/9881247380

Conatct:Mr. Somnath Shingare

Deals in:pollution control equipments and systems, such as bag Filter, ESP, Wet Scrubber, Pneumatic conveying systems.


Address:212, 2nd Floor, Silver Sanchora Castle,
7, Rabindranath Tagore Road,
Rabindranath Tagore Road, Indore,
Madhya Pradesh 452002


Phone No:+91-731-224 4059,4044059,3042456,6542550

Fax No:+91-731-4041974

Mobile No:+91 9425616901/98931 26456

Conatct:Mr. Chetan Maheshwari

Deals in:Water Treatment

Shree Krishna Environs

Address:155/B, Rabindra Sarani
4th Floor
Kolkata- 700 007
West Bengal


Phone No:

Mobile No:+91-98303 82001

Conatct:Mr. B.K Home

Deals in:Environment Protection devices and Coal washery Equipments

Soil & Enviro Industries Pvt. Ltd

Address:40/6, Gariahat Road
(South), 1st. Floor,
Kolkata-700 031
West Bengal


Phone No:+91 33 2499 0405/0406

Fax No:+91 33 2414 4457

Mobile No:+91 94330 03110

Conatct:Mr. Asit Talukdar


Deals in:ESP

All Pollution Control Equip. & Systems

Swan Environmental Pvt. Ltd

Address:Plot.No: 922 & 935,
Swami Ayyappa Co.op Society,
Hyderabad - 500 081,


Phone No:+91-40- 40216184 / 85, 32906502, 32914038

Fax No:+91 040-40216183

Mobile No:+91-98311 14231

Conatct:Mr. Indrajit Sadhu - Manager Sales

Deals in:specialized application oriented product for Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Food & Feed Technology and Wood Industry.  Another division called Instrumentation to deal all required Lab, On-Line Instruments for quality and process to many industries like Power, Cement, Paper & Pulp, Oil, Coal, Steel, Chemical & Petrochemical and Engineering.