Suppliers Directory
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Field Experts
M. R. (India) Industries Concern
Address:18/4, Kuchil Sarkar 1st Bye Lane Kadamtala Howrah- 711 101 (Back side of Santi Cinema) West Bengal India
Email id:
Phone No:+91-33- 2643 8454; +91-33- 2643 5336(R)
Fax No:+91-33- 2643 9597, +91-33-2847 0706
Mobile No:+91-98307 98586/+91- 99337 48527
Conatct:Mr. M.M Bera- Director
Deals in:Approved Boiler Repairers Specialist in : Manufacture of all tupes of Development job(s), Special tupe of Die